Thursday, June 21, 2012

Feature and Follow (11)

A meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read to connect book bloggers!

Q: If you could "unread" a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad? 

If I could "unread" a book it might have to be Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Now, now this is not because I'm a Twi-hater; I was obsessed with it when it came out (I just stopped liking it when I got older). I want to "unread" it and read it again because I want to experience that crazy emotion I had after reading it the first time.

You know the feeling: It's 4 o'clock in the morning on a school night, you have to get up at seven, but all you can do it stare up at the ceiling thinking about the book. Then the next day you pre-order the next book. (And I was pissed when that came out because New Moon was so disappointing...) In the meantime, you consume any book that might remotely give you that feeling again....Yeah, I was sixteen when I read it (give me a break).

Anywho, it's been a long time since I had that emotion about a book. Maybe the Hunger Games came close.. And I don't think reading Twilight again would actually make me feel the way I did the first time but, still, I wish I didn't have the critical eye I have towards books now. I wish I had that all consuming need for books that I used to. Don't get me wrong, I still love love love books, I just don't feel that crazy gotta-have-it feeling anymore. Know what I mean?

Comment and follow. I'll return the favor.