Saturday, May 26, 2012

In A Place Far, Far Behind....

So I haven't been to my blog in two weeks! Yikes!

I'm six books behind my 70 book goal this year and I  haven't written ONE word of my novel in two weeks.

That's because....I moved! I have no job where I moved to and I'm not planning on getting another for a few weeks so I hope to catch up on my reviews and writing.

For my writing goals I plan to:
  1. Finish my first draft.
  2. Edit my first draft.
  3. Get a Critique Partner to look over my work.
  4. Write a second draft.
  5. Edit Edit Edit.
  6. Query Query Query.
 For my reading/ blogging goals I plan to:
  1. Write at least 10 reviews.
  2. Read 10-15 books.
  3. Update my blog design.
  4. Have my first giveaway.
  5. Get a Facebook and/or Twitter page.

Those are lofty! So wish me luck! I need it!
